Android studio language support
Android studio language support

android studio language support android studio language support

For many of us, it is evident that Java is the best as it is everywhere and everyone praises it.

android studio language support

Kotlin vs Java Developing Android applications is a great option to drive success to your business but, picking up the best programming language is the real dilemma. In order to use this language to program Android apps, developers still need to understand basic programming concepts and structures. It is clean, relatively simple, and carries fewer formalities and rules compared to Java and other programming languages. Kotlin is the newly created language that is inspired by Java, but it is an improved version of it with so many additional features. Java was developed by Sun Microsystems (now the property of Oracle) and one can use Microservices with Java. This language allows the creation of any program and supports almost all types of machines, and OS X be it Android, Windows, or Linux. Java is the native language used by Android, applications that communicate with the operating system and directly use the hardware uses Java.

Android studio language support